This was a concept design for a new and radically different National Lottery App. Codenamed project Ballbreaker because, well why not really?
The concept and resulting interaction model devised is basically built on the principle of using 'balls' which are in fact also the real building blocks for all of the National Lottery Draw based games. These were now the building blocks and simplified design system I used to create a new kind of National Lottery App.
From a completely scaleable homescreen the user could access all areas of the app with ease. The aim was to create
a user interface that was simple, fun and engaging throughout. User Interaction and designing the 'moments' between screens was a massive priority for me in an attempt to create something that would actually 'feel' good to use.
This is one project where the implementation of a strong design system was key to informing the overall user experience of the app. For me this was a marriage made in heaven and hopefully an exciting end result.
Concept / Creative Direction / User Experience